Career Discovery
Career Discovery
Will Jenische
The experiences of Will Jeschke, a junior at Carroll High School, is what we want each student to experience. Will gained awareness through the Career Discovery Day and Workplace Tour, further exploration through the Career Academy, and experiential learning through an internship.
Will attended the Discover Auto & Diesel Day on the DMACC Ankeny Campus. The Discover Auto & Diesel Day is one of many Career Discovery Days that DMACC's Work-Based Learning Department coordinates. As part of Will’s experience, he was able to see four different programs: Auto Technology, Auto Collision, Auto Manufacturing Based Programs, and Diesel. As part of the program, Will experienced the auto industry first-hand by visiting Karls Chevrolet.
The Career Discovery Day in the fall of 2018 sparked an interest in Will, leading him to sign up for the Auto Technology Career Academy program at the DMACC Carroll Campus as a senior in high school. The coursework he completed while still in high school allowed him to gain valuable skills and insights into the Automotive Career Pathway without a financial investment. The program solidified his interests, and as a result, he enrolled in the DMACC MOPAR Program. He is currently a first-year college student in DMACC's MOPAR CAP (Career Automotive Program) and completing his internship Wittrock Motors.
The Intermediary Network was involved in the initial awareness, coordinating a day that involved educational programs and the business community. DMACC's Discover Auto & Diesel Day helped give Will an inside look into a future career opportunity. He was able to confidently decide on his future plans because he could explore the career pathway before making a substantial investment of time or money. He is currently earning income while going to school, and likely will have a strong relationship with a potential employer by the time he graduates.
Will's experiences are a great example of how early connections with educational programs and employers can set students up for successful transitions from high school to college to career. Will’s decision to attend the Discover Auto & Diesel Day was just the beginning of a journey into the Automotive Career Pathway. Will now has an opportunity to pursue a career path leading to a well-paying job in a wide variety of auto-related fields.
Would you like to discover your passion? Parents, students, educators and business/organization partners are invited to contact their IIN Coodinator to get INvolved! Visit the contact page, type in your zip code, and be in touch with your your regional coordinator by phone or email.